
A chemical engineer with interest in biotechnology and nano-technology. Have had experience in handling manufacture of antibiotics ; also handled large volumes of equine-blood for producing purified highly specific antibodies against DPT and gas gangrene; handled production of r DNA proteins. Manufacture of clinical chemistry reagents and measurement of biochemical in body fluids are other areas of interest.

Prasanta Kumar Ghosh July 07, 2021 Sixteen novel active pharmaceutical ingredients(APIs) , namely Urea stibamine, Methaqualone, Enfenamic acid, Hamycin, Centimizole, Centbutindole, Ormiloxifene, Centpropazine, Centbucridine, Alpha-beta-arteether, Bulaquine, Chandonium Iodide, Sintamil, Amoscanate, Saroglitizar, and Diperoxochloric Acid (DPOCL), were discovered from India. Six formulations, namely of Ormiloxifene, Alpha-beta-arteether, Bulaquine, Sintamil, Saroglitizar, and DPOCL, are in the market. The